Sunday, June 24, 2012

Done and Done

I was wide-awake this morning at 5:30am, excited to get out the door and head to UBC but also a little anxious about how the race would go. I got to the start area about 45 minutes before start time to check everything out and use the washroom. The washroom lines were quite long so I was glad I got there so early. I really enjoyed the bag check because it is so convenient and hassle free, I can drop off my things off at the start line and the volunteers drive it to Stanley Park at the finish – amazing.

The beginning of the race started great, it wasn’t very congested and I found I could get right into a good pace quickly. I was feeling relaxed and quite comfortable at a faster pace then I was planning on running at. I tend to go out too quickly in races and that is something I will have to work on for the next half marathon I am running in August. I had the 1:45 pace bunnies run by me at around 16km, I was hoping to stay with them until the end however I started feeling fatigued, the legs weren’t moving as fast as they were before and my pace dropped.

Its funny how many times I have ran across Burrard bridge during my training and have had no issues with the incline. However running over it after 18km is a totally different story, it is much harder. I had a few people from the Forerunners running group go past who gave a wave and a big smile. Seeing them gave me the motivation to keep going, only 3km left! From 19-21.1km there were so many people cheering and providing support.

As I saw the red Scotiabank arches I gave it one last kick at the end, I looked down at my watch and I saw 1:47:25. I didn’t have a lot of expectations going into the race because I started my long runs late and I was unsure whether I got enough mileage in. In the end, I am extremely pleased with my time and how well I am feeling post race.
Overall, this has been a great experience being able to train and share my ups and downs with you. I would like to thank Scotiabank, Asics and Forerunners for all of their support throughout the past few months. As I said above, I will be running another half marathon in August – I can’t wait :)

Achievement unlocked: half-marathon

I did it! I did it! First half marathon, and I did it!

Pictured here post-race with my speedy friend Reagan, who waited at the finish line and ran the last half-kilometre with me.
I was feeling pretty great for the first 10K, and the volunteers at the 7th kilometre were super encouraging and awesome. "Isn't it a beautiful Sunday morning to be out here running?" It was!

I stopped to use a port-a-potty around 11K, wasting about 5 minutes waiting in line. Should have held out for another 4 kilometres. I felt pretty crappy after that -- stopping in the middle of the race to wait in line sort of ruined my focus.

The course was absolutely beautiful, and it was so nice to run through some residential neighbourhoods and see folks out in their front yards with their coffee cheering us on. Thanks to everybody who cheered, and all the awesome volunteers and organizers! And thanks to my friend Reagan who came back to run the last little bit with me right to the finish.

My right knee was bugging me from about 6K on, and I'm a super slow runner, but I don't even care because I did it!

Time to celebrate with some pie.

Half marathon in the bucket!!

I see the finish line!

I did it!! Half marathon in the bucket!
Celebrating with my biggest fan!
All my gear! Plus Mason Raymond signed my bib! BONUS!

My first medal to chomp on
To do list: finish a half marathon in less than two hours....check! Pretty proud of myself, my chip time (the time it actually took me to get from the start to finish) was 1:52:50. Nice. All that training has paid off. My goal was to keep up a pace of 5:20 and that's exactly what I was able to do during the race. What an awesome run, I loved the route! It was epic. This Joe Runner experience has been awesome, thank you Asics, Forerunners for all the great gear. And thank you to my husband for waking up at 5:00am with me to drop me off and thank you to my baby Natallie for training with me and clocking in hundreds and hundreds of km's in your stroller.

Friday, June 22, 2012

what are you eating??

I know it's important to fuel up before the half-marathon and especially carb up the day, this works out well for me since I'm a carb-a-vore, I could eat bread and pasta every meal...which I'm wondering if it's wise to do tomorrow. And I usually don't eat a lot before my long runs, maybe just crackers and peanut butter. Race day, maybe try to swallow down a GU right before the race? Good idea, bad idea?What will you be eating throughout the day tomorrow and especially 6:00am pre-race?

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Any last words of wisdom??

So the half marathon is in two days! I am so stoked and nervous at the same time. Back in February, I thought it would be crazy to train for a half-marathon with a baby and now 4 months later, I've run a total 419 kms since then! I am so excited about running my first half-marathon, my goal is to finish in two hours but I'll be happy to just finish. So are you all carbing up the day before? Do you have any pre-race rituals or advice that you'd like to share with me? Ready, set, run!!! See you all on race day!

Friday, June 15, 2012

Less than 10 days left!

After months of training, we're almost at race day and it feels so strange to be this close! I'm not sure I ever really believed I would get this far, but I'm feeling confident I'll be able to make it through all 21.1 kilometres -- and I'm pleased my training program only calls for 14K this weekend. Already booked my post-half marathon massage! How's everybody else feeling?

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Excuses for not running

Before I started training for this half-marathon, I still liked running but I never ran as consistently as I am running now. I used to have a whole bunch of really lame excuses why I couldn't go out for a run..."it's raining" "I'm too tired" "my good shorts are in the wash" "I don't have a time for a shower after" "I don't have good songs on my iPod playlist" etc. but now I realize it's all about discipline and motivation......and it's a good thing I still have that going for me because for some reason Natallie is no longer sleeping through the night anymore. For the past 3 weeks, I've been forced to get up at 3:00am for about an hour, nursing, rocking, soothing a cranky,tired baby back to sleep. I feel like now more than ever, I could say, "I'm just too tired!" and feel justified that it's not an excuse. It's a roadblock but I'm determined to summon up the engergy, tie up my laces and get those KM's in. On Sunday last week, I was so tired after putting Natallie back to bed a couple of times but I pushed myself to get out for my long run and did 16 km's. Yesterday, I slept in 3 hour intervals...Natallie was up at midnight, 3:00am and just past 6:00am. Bleck! Somehow, I managed to still run 7K around the Fraser golf course. So I'm just saying if I can still get out there for my runs when I'm sort of a walking zombie, you can too. No more excuses for not running, just get out there, you'll be glad you did.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Running gets easier but what about this chafing?

This week I started off with an 8km tempo run, yoga on Tuesday and then the Forerunners  running clinic on Wednesday. I am enjoying the variety I get from running on my own, group runs and hot yoga classes. I find that it keeps me balanced in my training and it keeps things fun. I certainly wouldn’t have said that running was “fun” a few months ago; I saw it more as something that I did to stay in shape. It is becoming easier and more enjoyable to put the runners on and head out the door.

There is one thing, however, that would make my long runs so much better: a sports bra that does not chafed my skin. When I got home from my last two long runs it was painful to get in the shower because of the marks left by my sports bras. Not to mention the weird looks that I get from my co-workers about the large red marks along my neckline post high mileage days. I have tried a variety of brands and styles but I still have not found one that works for me.

Suggestions? I have read that some runners apply Bodyglide or Vaseline before they run. Do you find that works? 

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

A few things I've learned

  1. It really does get easier. 5K used to seem like such a long distance, and now I'm running 20K on Saturdays. It's still tough, and I'm still slow, but it's doable. And not only am I running longer distances, I'm also running faster.
  2. Listen to your body. This is important for staying injury-free, for figuring out your pace, for food and hydration habits, everything. Running is an individual sport, and only you know how best to run for you.
  3. That being said... You can push through the wall. Some days you feel rough and every step is a struggle, and some days you feel like you can go for miles and miles. The important thing is to try and go further than you think you can on those bad days -- because chances are it'll get better and you'll be amazed at doing what you thought you couldn't.
  4. Shoes are important. I've been running on and off, starting and stopping Couch to 5K programs for the past few years, but only really started training in January. I've probably had the same running shoes the whole time, until I got my new Asics last month. What a difference! Don't be like me, kids, get good shoes and replace them when necessary.
  5. Goals are important. When I signed up for the half, I hadn't even run 10K in one go. But having something to train for and work towards really keeps you focused and ensures you get your shoes on and your butt on the road. Until I started training, I had no idea really what my body could do. I had never given it a reason to do anything. Now I know what I'm capable of, what I can improve on, and chances are I'll probably sign up for the Scotiabank Vancouver Half-Marathon again next year so I can keep myself going.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

10 km +10 km+10km +16 km

Woo hoo, I've run a total of 46 kms this week! I did 3 10 km runs during the week and saved the long run for today. I wanted to do at least 15 and ended doing 16 km. My husband came with me and pushed Natallie in the stroller so I had a chance to run without the stroller. It was such a treat to run without the 26 pound stroller with a 18 pound baby in it. I felt like I was soaring!  I also tried one of those gel things for the first time today. Gosh, those things taste terrible! How do people eat those things? It tastes like a cross between molasses and glue! No thank you! I rather eat those energy gummy chews, now those things taste like candy! 

Natallie has done 46 km in the stroller this week!
It hasn't worked out with Natallie's schedule to join the group runs at the running clinics. At first I was disappointed about that but pretty proud that I have been able to stay consistent and pack in all those runs on my own. I got to run this past Wednesday with my sister and we did 10K around Burnaby Lake and this morning with my husband and I've always got Natallie, my biggest fan. So I guess it's OK that I don't get to join the running groups, I think I'll do OK on my own. The count down is on, just 3 more weeks until the big day, hope I can keep my momentum up!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Seawall Long Run

I did my long run this past weekend on Saturday morning. It was a gorgeous day so I decided to go on the seawall. I usually don’t complete many long runs on the seawall because I find it is so busy but I thought I would take the chance. I started having second thoughts as soon as I stepped onto the wall, I think everyone in Vancouver decided to walk/run/bike/rollerblade on Saturday morning, it was packed. I was getting a little frustrated at first because I was consistently dodging around people and avoiding bikers. The dodging and swerving around people surprising passed the time quite quickly, I looked down at my watch, expecting to see around 7km and I was already at 10km – bonus! I ended up completing 17km, the longest run in my training and I have to say it felt good. Looking forward to the group run at Forerunners tomorrow night!

Monday, May 28, 2012


This past weekend, my husband and I drove up to his home town of Enderby, BC in the beautiful Okanagan. I was supposed to do my longer weekend run but there was no time for that on Saturday but I made up for it on Sunday. It is our yearly tradition of driving up for the Okanagan Shuswap Century Ride. I still have yet to conquer the full 100 km course. Two years ago, I made it to about 70+km and stopped because my riding partner hurt her back and we both got picked up and driven to the finish. This year, I completed about 60km of the ride before I had to return to my "mom duties" and take care of Natallie. But 60 km is still a reeeeaallly long bike ride, I think I biked for about 3 and half hours! The good part is that my legs are so much stronger from all my running so my legs weren't tired by the end of my ride but biking definately uses different muscles and I wasn't quite used to leaning over and sitting on my bike for that long. What a great work-out! That's the great thing about cross-training, it really helps pin-point other muscle groups that haven't really been emphasized with running. Hopefully I can get in more bike rides or spin classes as part of my training. What are you favourite cross- training activities?

At the first rest stop (around 30+km) .
Congrats to my husband and my mother-in-law for completing the
full 100km Century Ride in 5 hrs ! 

Friday, May 25, 2012

Running makes you better at running! Who knew?

I ran an easy 10K earlier this week as part of my training, and to my surprise I discovered I was about three minutes faster than my Sun Run 10K time in April. Crazy! I haven't been training for speed at all, focusing instead on increasing my distance every week, but man was that time nice to see! I'm still super slow, but I am improving. Small victories!

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Sunny Saturday Run

This morning I completed a 13km run. This is a little shorter then I would like to be running at this point in my training but I am gradually getting back into my long runs. I chose a challenging route with a lot of hills, from Kits to UBC and back. I previously disliked the big hill going up 8th Avenue by West Point Grey School but it is slowly growing on me. The reason being is that it is getting easier every time I go up, I see myself improving and it makes every other incline manageable. It is not only the hard work that makes me fitter; it makes me happier when I can accomplish something much easier than I was able to before.

I find that a lot of new runners find running quite challenging for various reasons. The way I look at it is that running is like any new thing you decide to do, you aren’t going to be good at it right away, it takes time and training. A quote from Mind Gym that I always reference back too is that you have to get “comfortable with the uncomfortable”. For me, this quote aligns perfectly with my long runs. When I increase my mileage for a long run, it usually doesn’t feel the greatest. When my body adapts and my training is on track that is when I feel “comfortable” in what I am doing. 

Friday, May 18, 2012

Running for CAN (Canucks Autism Network)

For those of you who don't know me, before I became a full-time mom I have been working with kids with autism for almost 10 years. When I started my very first semester at SFU, I thought I wanted to be a teacher or a child psychologist since I had volunteered lots at day camps and knew I loved working with children. One of my friends asked if I would be interested in working with a child who was autistic. It was the first time I'd ever heard of the word and I thought she had said "artistic" and wondered why artistic children needed special help.....well I've learned a lot more about what autism since then. I finished my BA in Psychology and went on to get my Master in Special Education specializing in Autism and Developmental Disorders. I've worked with at least 50 or more kids on the autism spectrum and I love, love, love my job. I am a behavioral consultant at Family Centred Practices Group and I meet families right after they get the ASD diagnosis when their child is usually 2 or 3 years old. Then I work really hard to help them learn  communication, social, academic and/or self-help skills.

I'm doing the half-marathon for the Canucks Autism Network (CAN). They are an awesome non-profit group that helps enhance the quality of life for families with kids with autism. One of the kids CAN has helped is a little sweetheart I work with. His name is Lewis and when I first met him, he was a shy 3-year-old with just a few words. In the past 3 years of working with him, he has been significant gains. He is now a super chatty, adorable and well-liked student in his kindergarten class. When I saw him yesterday, he ran to the door said, "Hi Vanessa! How are you?" and gave me a big hug. That just melts my heart because our team worked so hard for him to learn greeting skills. If you don't know much about autism, one of the areas that many children with ASD struggle with is social skills. Lewis is one of those kids. For example, when he was at the playground, I saw a girl his age nearby so I whispered, "say hi to the girl." He took this very literally (as many kids with autism do), turned to her and says, "Hi girl" and then walked away. So you can see that social skills is an area that we've focused on for Lewis. The Canucks Autism Network offers many social programs and one is the I CAN Play series. These programs are specifically designed to promote the physical and social development of children with autism by providing an environment and pace of instruction that is modified to meet their needs. CAN also provides a place to learn sports skills and socialize with their peers without the fear of acceptance or the worry of competition. It is a chance for them to build new friendships and most importantly participate in sports any typical child would. Lewis has been going to the I CAN soccer series for the past several months, it is so wonderful to see him so excited to go to soccer every Satruday morning and talk about the friends he has made. During the summer, his older brother will be able to go soccer camp with him. CAN provides such a great opportunity for families to have experiences that many of us with typically developing children take for granted. If you don't know anything about CAN, take a minute and watch the video, it also doesn't hurt that Manny Malhotra of the Vancouver Canucks is CAN's official spokesperson =)
And if you want to help CAN continue the awesome work it is doing, click on the fundraising link below. All the kids I work with say THANK YOU! THANK YOU!

Remember sunscreen!

Long weekend! Time for lots of running, right? Saturday's run is 18K, and I will try to remember sunscreen this time -- I have a nice little burn from last Saturday. Turns out running for more almost two hours in the middle of the day on a sunny Saturday without sunscreen is not the best idea. Oops.

One thing I've noticed since starting my training is that it's a lot easier than I thought it would be to get my runs in. I worried that that training would take over my life and I would miss out on social events for several months leading up to the half, but it's not actually that bad. My post-work runs during the week aren't too long and really, I'd just be checking Facebook during that time anyway. I can move them around to a different day if I have a softball game that conflicts with a scheduled run. And my long runs on the weekend are early enough that my boyfriend is still in bed when I leave, and still in his pyjamas reading when I get back. We still have enough of the day left to do whatever we had planned. Some weeks are busier than others, of course, but overall the training is less time-consuming than everyone thinks it will be.

Now I need to plan my route for my 18K run! Any ideas?

Friday, May 11, 2012

Thank you Asics and Forerunners

The day after I finished my first 20K, I got all the gear that I won for being a Joe Runner. I was so stoked to get my new Asics shoes on. Aren't they fabulous? I also got an Asics shirt, short and socks. Plus a $100 to Forerunners on West 4th. I went this week and picked up a fuel belt, a long sleeved performance running shirt and a variety of different gels. I am so pumped now. Thank you Asics and Forerunners!

Unfortunately, the morning after my 20K last week, I woke up and could barely walk because my right knee was feeling so stiff and sore. By Tuesday, I could walk but my knee still didn't feel quite right but I was so stoked to break in my new runners, I have been walking in my new Asics all week. I did a slow 9K today and made time to stretch after my run. I hope I haven't injured it too badly. Do you stretch before you run or do you wait after 10 minutes or so after you're warmed up? What about post-run, what are some good stretches after a good work-out?

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Strength In Numbers

I have always been involved in team sports throughout my life. The motivation, competition and desire that comes from a team working towards a common goal is so inspiring. I have always considered running an individual sport but in the past few weeks I have changed my mind.

The past two Wednesdays I have gone to the Forerunners running clinic. I joined Ken’s group hoping to keep up with the speedy pace that will hopefully help me attain my goal time for the half marathon.  Considering it is only been my second week with the group, everyone has been so friendly and always looks out for each other during the workout. I think its fair to say that I push myself a lot harder with the running group versus on my own. Some people say music, sunny weather or new running shoes motivates them to run faster however for me, a group that is willing to push themselves and support each other has been my inspiration! So if you are having difficulty mustering up the enthusiasm to go for a run, grab a partner or a join a group, the drive to strive for success is contagious. 

Running's a pain (sometimes)

I've been noticing some right knee and hip pain since I started training for the Sun Run in January, and I finally was able to see a sports medicine specialist yesterday. (My doctor admitted that she knows very little about sports medicine and figured it was best to just send me off to someone who knows what they're doing.)

The doctor's diagnosis was that I have hip bursitis on my right side, which is caused by a super tight IT band. The tight IT band is also probably causing some knee pain, but the main cause of my knee pain is probably the fact that my kneecap on my right side is pretty loose. For my treatment, I'm supposed to be stretching my IT band a lot more and doing squats to strengthen my quads to help keep my kneecap stable. He didn't tell me to stop running, though, so that's good! I'll be back in his office in about 7 weeks to see whether I'm feeling better.

When scheduling the follow up appointment, I realized that the half is 6 and a half weeks! Ah! So soon!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

My first 20K!

I DID IT! I DID IT! I just finished my first 20K! And what a gorgeous day for a long run too! I thought the first half of the run would be easier since I would have more energy but the first 10K seemed to drag on forever. I felt like an impatient child in the backseat of the car, "are we there yet?" "are we there yet?" I kept looking down at my iPod and I felt like it must be already 5K and it was only at 3K, but after I made it halfway the last 10K seemed to go by a lot faster. I ran out to the very end of the Fraser Foreshore Trail in Burnaby and then turned around and ran west all the way to the Knight Street bridge and back home. I somehow timed it perfectly too and it was 20.3K from my doorstep there and back! I only had to stop twice for a drink at water fountains. I don't have a fuel belt and I was running on pretty much an empty stomach, is a fuel belt really necessary? And if I get one, what are some good quick energy things to pack along? I've never had one of those gel things before. Honestly, they look kinda gross, do they really work? And can all you running pros suggest some good recovery snacks after a long run? I've heard chocolate milk is good, anything else?

Saturday, May 5, 2012

New gear!

My new Asics gear has arrived!

As one of the Joe Runners, I got a new shirt, shorts, socks and shoes from Asics, and a lovely gift certificate from Forerunners (who also provided my training program and my Wednesday night running clinic). I tried everything on as soon as I got home of course, and I'm pleased to report it all fits perfectly. My boyfriend even commented that the light purple of the shirt is a very flattering colour for me. Excellent! His comment on the shoes: "Oh man, those are so cool!" That's what happens when you opt for the brightest colours. Thanks, Gel-Speedstar 6. I knew limeade would be the perfect colour for a summer race.

Now that I've got all this sweet running gear, what should I get with the Forerunners gift certificate? Foam roller? Fuel belt? Fancy heart rate monitor?

Can't wait to bust out my new shoes. I already did my run today, but I've got 10K coming up on Monday...

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Thursday tempo run

So it's day 3 of following the Forerunners Training Guide and today calls for a tempo run: "2.5K warm up and 4 X 5min repeats with 90 sec recovery, 1.5K cool down - 9K total aproximately".  It was raining and didn't look like would stop so I bundled Natallie up and strapped her down and headed out for my very first tempo run. I couldn't look at my running timer app thing because it was raining and I didn't want my iPod to get wet so I kept my iPod in my pocket and just ran a block as fast as I could pushing the stroller and then walked the next block for my recovery. Does that count as a tempo run? After I did that for 5 blocks, I decided to just run. I thought I would be so tired since Natallie had me up at 6:30am but maybe this training is actually working because at the end of my 10K run, I felt great! Then when I got home, it was part 2 of my workout: taking Natallie to her swim class. The swim lesson is in the shallow end of Killarney Pool and to keep Natallie afloat, I have to be in a squatted position the entire time (great quad work-out for me!) What a fantastic day: a 10K run and a great time at the pool. All smiles for mom and baby.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Good News

I found out today that I am stress fracture free! :) I couldn’t be more happy and excited to get back into a regular running routine. The important thing for me is to ease back into it and not push my leg. I am looking forward to the group run tomorrow at forerunners.

I went to Bikram Yoga today after work and it absolutely kicked my butt. Bikram Yoga is done in a heated room, usually between 110-115 degrees Fahrenheit for 90 minutes. I had been avoiding going to yoga since my injury so I found it quite hot for my first time back. I really enjoy doing yoga mixed with my running training because I find it loosens my muscles, especially my hips. I find that it gets my heart rate quite high as well so I get a good workout in.

I am headed to Montreal this weekend to coach an ultimate team from my high school. I will get some shorter runs in while I am there and then get a long run in on Monday when I get back to Vancouver.

On a side note, P & G released a great promotional video for the London 2012 Olympics, I like it a lot, check it out. 

Back on track

I admit that I haven't been running as much as I should be and that needs to change if I'm going to be in shape to run the half-marathon in 8 weeks. So I printed out the Forerunners Training Schedule and it's officially posted on my fridge, the first week of training on that schedule is March 19th...oops, I guess I should of started following the guide earlier. Oh well, better late than never. So I dived right in to Week 8.  And today it says I should do an easy run at a relaxed/steady pace, approximately 11km. So instead of having Natallie nap in her crib, I strapped her in the jogging stroller and we went for a run together instead. I started at my house and then ran up Matheson hill and took the Grey Gum Trail where there is a safe overpass over Boundary road and then up Joffre street to Central Park. I don't run Central Park very often so I got a bit mixed up and confused with all the trails. I meant to run about 9 KM around the trail and then head back but by the time I did 9K I was so turned around and lost I ended up doing almost 12 before I realized where I was and got on track to go home. In total, I ended up doing 14KM! Yah! That is my longest run yet! And I feel great! I decided that once I complete a run, I can highlight it and after I complete X number of runs I can reward myself with something. How do you keep yourself motivated? Do you work towards rewards? 
Yes! 14.1 km!

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Fuel for running

I think it's about time I get a fuel belt. I went for my long run today and managed to only make it 12.5K before I had to call it quits. Started stumbling a bunch and I took that to mean I was tired. Would rather take the bus home the rest of the way than face plant on the sidewalk... 

I feel like I could have made it, though, if I had a gel with me. My dad bought me some to try when he came to visit around the time of the Sun Run, some of the ones he prefers to use when he goes for his long runs. (He's currently training for a 50K race. My mother and I both think he's crazy, but I also used to think a half-marathon was crazy too.) I had one of the gels before I left the house for my run as my oral surgery has meant that I haven't been eating much over the past few days, but I really wish I had been carrying one with me. 

Anybody have recommendations for a fuel belt they like?

Obstacles to running

My Facebook status earlier this week was, whoever came up with the phrase 'curiosity killed the cat' obviously didn't have a mobile baby. And all my friends with babies on the go "liked" it and empathized with me. You see, in the last couple of weeks Natallie has learned how to move...I wouldn't call it crawling, it's more like "the worm" dance move but she has got so efficient at worming (yes, that is a verb in our house now) that she is such a handful. I admit, I haven't done much running since the Sun Run. Partially because I had to recover from being sick but also because I am so exhausted from chasing after Natallie and keeping her out of trouble. I turn my back just to put wet laundry in the dryer and I come back and she's pulled out all the kleenex out of the box and is madly eating as much as she can until I pry it out of her hands and mouth. And then it's off to the pile of magazine under the coffee table, shredding and eating the latest copy of Today's Parent. 

 And you think she is eating all the kleenex and magazines because she's hungry but meal time seems like World War 3 sometimes with my husband and I dodging our little one spewing butternut squash and sippy cups across the room. My daughter has decided she doesn't want to eat unless she is being entertained at the same time, so it takes me putting on what feels like a Broadway musical of singing, dancing and waving musical instruments and blowing bubbles (literally) between bites of food. Showtime is three times a day at breakfast, lunch and dinner. So between chasing Little Miss Trouble and feeding her, I am exhausted. I thought about lacing up my runners and going for a run but I didn't feel like I had the energy to even go up the stairs one more time to change into clothes for running.

I was feeling a bit discouraged about not running and feeling that being a mom was kind of an obstacle to staying fit but then I thought back to why I wanted to train this half-marathon in the first place and it was because I wanted to prove to myself that a new mom can do it. I can stay healthy and active! So today, Natallie decided to stay asleep in her car seat after we got back from church (this never happens lately) so I took it as a sign from God that I should go for a run by myself. I thought I would be really slow because i haven't run in 2 weeks but surprisingly, I felt great. I didn't get a cramp which has happened consistently before and even when I was running up the steep Kerr St. hill, it didn't feel as hard as I thought it would be. Maybe even though I haven't been running, just chasing Natallie around the house has kept up my cardio! 8K later, I came home just in time as Natallie was waking up. OK well...I've got to go get my act ready for the dinner time feeding show now. Hmm..what songs should I do tonight?

Friday, April 27, 2012

Running has spoiled me

I went to the gym after work yesterday. I wanted to get a quick workout in before my oral surgery today (yes, ouch) and I had already done my Wednesday run with the Forerunners Scotiabank Half-Marathon training clinic. Time for some crosstraining for fun. I was on the stationary bike for about 15 minutes before a guy got on the bike two down from me and starting making these horrible "I'm working so hard" grunty breathing sounds. I got off the bike a few minutes later. Then I was over in the weights section and two people were just sitting on the weight benches, talking. Not lifting a single thing. I went to the mats, did some planks, and left. I realized as I left the gym that running has spoiled me. 

When I run, I don't have to deal with sweaty dudes grunting or people using the equipment I want. All I need is my shoes and the road and my will. (Well, and maybe my phone so I can listen to music and track my distance with the GPS...) 

Last week I ran 12K for the first time ever. I did intervals of 10 minutes running, 1 minute walking and it felt great the whole time. I think I find my long runs easier than my speed workouts. But my 14K run tomorrow will have to be postponed (hopefully just till Sunday) while I recover from my oral surgery today. Hate it when life gets in the way of training.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Running Blues

Every runner faces a variety of obstacles throughout their training and racing. I was faced with a large obstacle this week – injury. I was having a sharp pain in my shin, which I thought it was shin splints. I have had shin splints before so I wasn’t too concerned. However as the week progressed and especially after my 12km run, the pain was more severe and localized in one area on my Tibia. I went to the hospital yesterday and the doctor suggested it was a stress fracture. I went for an x-ray and it didn’t show any breaks (thank goodness) but I am going for a bone scan next week to fully determine if it is the bone or muscular. Fingers crossed for the later.
            For the time being, the doctor recommended that I don’t run or do any physical activity that involves heavy impact on my lower leg. For my training this week I am going to be swimming and doing some light biking.  I am hoping to get back to running as soon as possible!

Do you have any suggestions for exercises that are low impact? 

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The Sun Run and purple toes

I had a surprisingly lovely time at the Sun Run on Sunday. My parents were out visiting from Toronto, so both them and my boyfriend were cheering at the race and managed to move around so they could spot me four different times. My dad took a cute photo of me looking at my mum and laughing somewhere on Beach Ave. My time was slow, but it was what I expected and I felt a lot more comfortable during this race than I did at the Harry's Spring Run-Off in March. I guess training is working!

I don't think I want to do any races with that many people again. It's fun to see so many people participating and being active, but it's pretty awful weaving around people as much as you have to at the Sun Run. But I do feel like a proper Vancouverite now that I've done it once! Really, it just made me look forward to the Scotiabank half.

After I got home on Sunday and took off my shoes, I noticed that two of the toenails on my left foot were looking a little purple from bruising under the nail. Guess this makes me a real runner, eh?

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Sun Run Recap

Were you one of almost 50,000 people that ran the 10K Sun Run? Hopefully you woke up this morning feeling better than I did. If you have been following my blog posts, on Friday night I had a fever of 102, I tried to spend all of Saturday resting in hopes to get better but rest is hard when you have a crawling 8 month old baby. My husband was wonderful and tried to take care of her most of yesterday as I drank gallons of water, orange juice and praying that it would be just a 36 hour cold and I be feeling fantastic by Sunday morning. I woke up this morning at 4:30am coughing like a barking seal and found some cough drops so I could go back to sleep. My husband said I was too sick to run but I am stubborn and told him I was just fine and exercise helps with sickness right?  I had nothing but cough drops and one cracker with peanut butter before meeting up with my sister and getting on the skytrain.

The finish line
I can't believe I made it and didn't pass out!
 I have done the Sun Run for 10 years I think and I never get tired of it. I love the energy from everyone. We made into the crowds with just minutes before the start of the race. And then we're off!!!! I think one reason I like the Sun Run is because I know the route so well, plus it's pretty cool running in the middle of usually busy streets and across the Burrad street bridge. I was still coughing when the run started and at 3KM into the race, I wonder if my husband was right and maybe I should be on the couch watching sunday morning cartoons with some honey lemon tea instead but I tell myself to keep going and it's OK if I don't go fast, I just need to finish. So I did, I kept going and I finished. It took me 57:05 which is by far not my best time, my best time for the Sun Run was 51:05, but I'm still proud of myself that I finished it.

The after-party inside BC Place

 The after party inside BC Place is great, I saw a lot of my other friends that did the race. One of my friend, Joel Pel finished the race in 37 minutes! Incredible!
Check out this time lapse video of everyone crossing the finish line...pretty neat eh? Do you see me and my day-glo socks?

Friday, April 13, 2012


The Sun Run is less than 48 hours away and I have a fever of 39° C, that would be 102.2° F. Uh-oh, that sucks. I hope God does some sort of miracle tomorrow and I will feel good enough to do a 10K 9:00am on Sunday morning. I was so looking forward to this run, my sister is doing it with me and we even got neon-colored socks and running shirts bc running in day-glo colours just makes you go faster, right?! I am going to drink a gallon of water and go to bed but I can see that my baby girl isn't asleep yet in her crib and trying to eat the wires from the baby monitor. Oh gosh...I think it's going to be a long night! Any trusted remedies you want to share with me?

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Ladder Workout

Last week, the Joe Runners got to go and try on Asics shoes at the Forerunners store on 4th Avenue and we received the training schedule for the half marathon. I was very excited to receive it and I was even more enthused to see the variety of runs they had planned for us! I unfortunately missed the Wednesday run clinic at Forerunners last night because I got stuck at work so I did the planned run today instead.

I did a ladder workout that consisted of 3 sets (3 minutes-2 minutes-1 minute) with a 2 minute recovery in between each set. I loved, loved, having this variety and can’t wait until next week’s running clinic to do pyramids. On the to do list for this weekend: 12km long run. 

Monday, April 9, 2012

Slow and steady eventually reaches the finish line

I'm not a good runner. I'm still a newbie, still find it difficult to go fast and still haven't run anything longer than 10k so far. Signing up for the half-marathon was really a whim and a promise to myself that I'd keep training after the Sun Run 10K next week. Every time I go out for a run I still find it really, really hard. I'm not at that point yet where running is fun. But I still go out and do it. Having a training plan is really key -- it was a Monday, I had to go for a run today!

My boyfriend ran with me this weekend, and even though I rant and complain about how hard it is and how much I suck he reminded me that this time last year, when he occasionally accompanied me on my Couch to 5K runs, I was way slower and could not run nearly as long as I'm running now. Even when we busted out our bicycles for the first time this season, I was biking so much faster than I did last summer. Basically, I'm healthier. So even though I moan and complain, I'm doing a good thing. It's okay that I'm super slow -- I'm faster than I was before, and I'll keep getting better.

Sunday's run

So as promised, after my day of fun in the snow, I went for a run on Sunday. I love that the cherries blossoms are so beautiful this time of year. Have any of you checked out the Vancouver Cherry Blossom Festival? On their website they have a map showing where all the cherry blossoms are located throughout the city. I guess I'm pretty lucky that there are lots of cherry blossoms in my area. There were so many cherry blossoms on my route yesterday, it was a pretty decent run too...11km in total. I would of enjoyed it more if I didn't get a cramp 15 mins into my run, I seem to be getting runner's cramp (side stitch) pretty often during my runs. It's always on my right side right under my rib cage and sometimes right under my ribs. Yesterday, it was so sharp and painful, I had to stop multiple times to try and breathe and stretch it out. It didn't really help though. I came home and did a google search to find the cause of runner's cramps and found a lot of different theories, perhaps shallow breathing, perhaps having too much food or fluid or running too fast. Before I had Natallie, I would wake up and run before eating breakfast and I rarely got cramps but now I have to time my runs with Natallie's naps which coincidentally end up being after breakfast or lunch. Maybe that's the reason I have been getting more cramps when running. Do you get cramps when you run?  Is the trick to run on a fairly empty stomach? And what are effective strategies to cope with a cramp during a run?

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Reason #101 why I love living on the west coast

There must be at least 100 reasons why I love living on the west coast and today's reason is for the north shore mountains. I was going to go for a run but my mom offered to babysit so I jumped on the opportunity and went up to Mt. Seymour with my husband and my sister. We hiked into the glorious Seymour back country and built ourselves a little jump. It was a clear, blue-bird, sunny day. Amazing! And we all got a pretty good workout since we hiked up with our back packs with shovels and snowboards and built the jump and then after every time we hit the jump, we had to hike back up a ways to do it again. So exhausted now but but oh-so worth it......and I promise I'll go for a run tomorrow!

That's me soaking up the westcoast sunshine!

My husband Simon showing off his back flip skills
That's my sister!

That's me again! What an awesome day!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

New Asics!

If you have never been to Forerunners on West 4th, you really should go. The staff there are so incredibly nice and really know their stuff! As part of the Joe Runner prize pack, I went down to Forerunners today along with the other two Joe Runners,Jocelyn and Emma, and the staff all helped us pick out a pair of Asics customized to our needs. It was so great that the staff are all runners themselves and I am so excited with the pair of Asics that I will be getting very soon! Can't wait to break them in!
I took a picture on my phone of the shoes. Sorry for the bad photo, I don't have a smart fact, it's a very dumb phone, I can't even transfer pictures from my phone to the computer so I actually had to use my camera and take a picture of the picture on my phone. So lame but at least you can see that not only me but also my baby Natallie also approved of my new Asics!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

My training partner

My aunt and uncle are in their 60's and they are both runners, they both tell me that it's important to always have a person to train with. They have luckily found another couple their age at church that are just as dedicated to running as they are. Every Saturday morning, rain or shine (or snow or hail), you will see my auntie Janet and her training partner cruising through Central Park in Burnaby. My training partner is 8 months old, 17 pounds and cute as button. I know a training partner is supposed to push you and keep you motivated to train and Natallie does that for me. For one, if I go for a long run it means that I don't have to get her to nap in her crib which means no tears for either of us and secondly, I know that unless I keep training and staying strong, I won't be able to lift her when she's in her carseat much longer!

Other than running with little Miss Natallie, I have been going to a fitness class at Eileen Daily Community Center in Burnaby. The instructor, Wendy, is just wonderful. It is a pre/post-natal class and I had been going since I was pregnant so it's been great to work out and meet with the other new moms and moms-to-be there. All the babies just hang out on the mats and watch as us mommies keep up with exercises and during the strengthing portion of the class I get to have Natallie right beside me. Nothing motivates me to keep up in the 'plank position' more than having Natallie right under me! However, you are only allowed to have your baby in the class if they aren't mobile and since last week, Natallie has realized she can move. It's not very efficient yet, she looks like she's doing "the worm" dance move, she gets up on all fours and the lunges forward with an huge bellyflop and then does it over and over again. This is kind of bittersweet, I am so excited that she is almost crawling but it also means that I can't be in this fitness class much longer. After some research into post-natal fitness classes, I realized that most classes don't welcome mobile babies. Boooooo. If you do know of any fitness classes that welcome a squirming creeping baby, let me know!

I am also researching and planning on getting a bike trailer. I. heart. biking. I recently got into speed biking a couple years ago. Before I was pregnant, I did 75K of the Century Ride in the Okanagon and the 100K Ride for Refuge in Richmond. I hope that getting a bike trailer will mean Natallie can come biking with me and that can be another way I can train for the half-marathon. I am signed up to the Half-Century Ride (56K) on May 27th. My mother-in-law and my husband are doing the ride too and we're planning on towing Natallie in a trailer. I don't think this is the kind of event where people have trailers, everyone is decked out in spandex and clip-in bike shoes but oh well, I want to bike and that means Natallie will come along (maybe I will put her in spandex!) I have read that you shouldn't put your babies in bike trailers until they are 1 year old, is 8 months close enough? Anyone have thoughts on this?

So that's a little bit about me and my training partner, Natallie, who gets me up at 7:00am every morning and motivates me to be the healthiest, active mom I can be.

Friday, March 30, 2012

Vancouver Views

Today, I woke up and noticed that there was a little bit of sun coming through the clouds. I ate a quick breakfast and headed out on one of my favourite routes that I think has one of the best views in the city on a sunny day. We all know we don’t get a lot of sun these days in Vancouver so I try and capitalize on these days as much as possible. I made my way from Kits down 8th Avenue heading towards UBC. The only downfall to this run is there are quite a few large hills but totally worth it once you get to the top! There is a great view once you get to West Point Grey Academy and Trimble Park. This photo doesn’t do the view justice – I will have to bring my camera next time so you can truly appreciate the gorgeous sights this city has to offer. It ended up being a great 9km run with various hills which was challenging.
Since moving to Vancouver, about a year and a half ago, I still find myself searching for new running routes to utilize the beautiful sights. I find that trying new routes and seeing different areas in the city switches things up in my training, adds variety and motivates me to go for a run.  

Where is your favourite view when you go running in Vancouver? 

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Canucks Autism Network Family Festival

I have been working with kids on the autism spectrum for a decade now and April 1st (this Sunday) is World Autism Awareness Day. Part of the reason I wanted to be chosen as  Joe Runner was so I could raise money for the Cancuks Autism Network, a fantastic non-profit organization that helps kids with autism. I was just working with one of my kids today, he is 6 years old and he's been going to the soccer program put on by the Canucks Autism Network and it is so cool that CAN makes it possible for kids like him to be involved and have fun in sports!

If you have time this weekend, you should check out CAN's Family Festival. It's this Sunday from 10:00am-3:00pm. Vera's burgers is going to be there (yum!). There's also going to be live entertainment and they are going to be lighting the Cauldron in celebration of World Autism Awareness Day. It's happening, rain or shine!

You can also get more info about this Sunday's event or about CAN on the website

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Harry's Spring Run Off

I was already awake at 6:00am this morning and it wasn't even Natallie on the baby monitor that woke me up, it was that darn woodpecker outside our bedroom window. Oh well, I was so excited and anxious that I couldn't sleep anymore anyways. After I nursed Natallie and tried to eat some toast, my husband and I packed up everything for the baby and drove out to Stanley Park. I was so excited that the weather was so unbelievably gorgeous! It was around 9:00am when we arrived, my anxiety was pretty much gone and my excitement was building as I saw the start and finish line. I kissed my husband and baby and got into the starting area and did a little warm-up with the other runners. By the time I crossed the starting gate, my adrenaline was already pumping and I was off! And what can I say? The run was perfect, the route was so scenic, my ipod playlist was awesome and I thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it. Plus I even finished the race in 42:26, not too shabby given that I was still pregnant less than 8 months ago! Now, there's only 20 days left until the 10K Vancouver Sun Run! Wooo hoo! I can't wait for another timed run event, I get such a kick out of running with everyone! Here's some photo highlights of the day:
What a b-e-a-tiful day for a run!

Hooray! Finished the race in 42:26!

Action shot of me racing to the finish line!

My biggest fans: my baby Natallie and my husband Simon

It was Natallie's first time out at Stanley Park too!

After the race, we put Natallie on the swings at playground for the first time!