Sunday, April 15, 2012

Sun Run Recap

Were you one of almost 50,000 people that ran the 10K Sun Run? Hopefully you woke up this morning feeling better than I did. If you have been following my blog posts, on Friday night I had a fever of 102, I tried to spend all of Saturday resting in hopes to get better but rest is hard when you have a crawling 8 month old baby. My husband was wonderful and tried to take care of her most of yesterday as I drank gallons of water, orange juice and praying that it would be just a 36 hour cold and I be feeling fantastic by Sunday morning. I woke up this morning at 4:30am coughing like a barking seal and found some cough drops so I could go back to sleep. My husband said I was too sick to run but I am stubborn and told him I was just fine and exercise helps with sickness right?  I had nothing but cough drops and one cracker with peanut butter before meeting up with my sister and getting on the skytrain.

The finish line
I can't believe I made it and didn't pass out!
 I have done the Sun Run for 10 years I think and I never get tired of it. I love the energy from everyone. We made into the crowds with just minutes before the start of the race. And then we're off!!!! I think one reason I like the Sun Run is because I know the route so well, plus it's pretty cool running in the middle of usually busy streets and across the Burrad street bridge. I was still coughing when the run started and at 3KM into the race, I wonder if my husband was right and maybe I should be on the couch watching sunday morning cartoons with some honey lemon tea instead but I tell myself to keep going and it's OK if I don't go fast, I just need to finish. So I did, I kept going and I finished. It took me 57:05 which is by far not my best time, my best time for the Sun Run was 51:05, but I'm still proud of myself that I finished it.

The after-party inside BC Place

 The after party inside BC Place is great, I saw a lot of my other friends that did the race. One of my friend, Joel Pel finished the race in 37 minutes! Incredible!
Check out this time lapse video of everyone crossing the finish line...pretty neat eh? Do you see me and my day-glo socks?


  1. Good for you, Nessy! I am proud of you!

  2. Congrats on your race Vanessa! I hope you are feeling better.
