Sunday's run

So as promised, after my day of fun in the snow, I went for a run on Sunday. I love that the cherries blossoms are so beautiful this time of year. Have any of you checked out the Vancouver Cherry Blossom Festival? On their website they have a map showing where all the cherry blossoms are located throughout the city. I guess I'm pretty lucky that there are lots of cherry blossoms in my area. There were so many cherry blossoms on my route yesterday, it was a pretty decent run too...11km in total. I would of enjoyed it more if I didn't get a cramp 15 mins into my run, I seem to be getting runner's cramp (side stitch) pretty often during my runs. It's always on my right side right under my rib cage and sometimes right under my ribs. Yesterday, it was so sharp and painful, I had to stop multiple times to try and breathe and stretch it out. It didn't really help though. I came home and did a google search to find the cause of runner's cramps and found a lot of different theories, perhaps shallow breathing, perhaps having too much food or fluid or running too fast. Before I had Natallie, I would wake up and run before eating breakfast and I rarely got cramps but now I have to time my runs with Natallie's naps which coincidentally end up being after breakfast or lunch. Maybe that's the reason I have been getting more cramps when running. Do you get cramps when you run? Is the trick to run on a fairly empty stomach? And what are effective strategies to cope with a cramp during a run?
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