Thursday, June 7, 2012

Running gets easier but what about this chafing?

This week I started off with an 8km tempo run, yoga on Tuesday and then the Forerunners  running clinic on Wednesday. I am enjoying the variety I get from running on my own, group runs and hot yoga classes. I find that it keeps me balanced in my training and it keeps things fun. I certainly wouldn’t have said that running was “fun” a few months ago; I saw it more as something that I did to stay in shape. It is becoming easier and more enjoyable to put the runners on and head out the door.

There is one thing, however, that would make my long runs so much better: a sports bra that does not chafed my skin. When I got home from my last two long runs it was painful to get in the shower because of the marks left by my sports bras. Not to mention the weird looks that I get from my co-workers about the large red marks along my neckline post high mileage days. I have tried a variety of brands and styles but I still have not found one that works for me.

Suggestions? I have read that some runners apply Bodyglide or Vaseline before they run. Do you find that works? 


  1. I used to get some chaffing from a bra, just under the breast bone - I but some smooth tape there and it stopped marking me.
    Then I lost 5 lbs and didn't need the tape - ran with that bra for 2 1/2 marathons
    I recently switched to a new style (shock absorber) and get no chafing at all.
    Could be the size, fit or style that is causing your issue.
    Mind you I also wear body talc - one made from cornstarch, perhaps that is why I am yet to run into this problem

  2. Hi I suggest you get fitted as you may have toned up with your training. I swear by a moderately expensive yet great bra called Moving Comfort you can get them in many places such as Raquets and Runners on Oak. Believe it or not sometimes putting deodorant along the Bra line can keep you dry! Recommend staying away from bras advertised as running bras that are really just for looks. Hope that helps.
