Sunday, April 29, 2012

Fuel for running

I think it's about time I get a fuel belt. I went for my long run today and managed to only make it 12.5K before I had to call it quits. Started stumbling a bunch and I took that to mean I was tired. Would rather take the bus home the rest of the way than face plant on the sidewalk... 

I feel like I could have made it, though, if I had a gel with me. My dad bought me some to try when he came to visit around the time of the Sun Run, some of the ones he prefers to use when he goes for his long runs. (He's currently training for a 50K race. My mother and I both think he's crazy, but I also used to think a half-marathon was crazy too.) I had one of the gels before I left the house for my run as my oral surgery has meant that I haven't been eating much over the past few days, but I really wish I had been carrying one with me. 

Anybody have recommendations for a fuel belt they like?

1 comment:

  1. Fuel Belt, but with 10 oz bottles you buy after the fact. Then again, I run with them for full marathons. The regular 8 oz bottles that come with the Fuel Belt would be fine for a half. There's a small pouch in the back to put your gels and you can buy bigger pouches to add on to the belt.
