Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Finalist - Jocelyn Manion

Jocelyn Manion

How will winning impact you?
Being a Joe Runner will not only impact myself but everyone in my daily life. My roommate will probably get tired of my wet smelly shoes in the hallway, my students will hear about my long weekend runs and my co workers will wonder why I am always wearing a giant running watch. All of these things aside, it will impact my life in a positive way. It will allow me to experience a motivated group of runners and coaches to attain my goals. Through this experience I am hoping to impact YOU, the readers of my blog, who will share thoughts, inspirations and stories of your experiences training and racing. Together we can provided encouragement and prove that everyone, and I mean everyone, can be a runner.

Why is your charity of choice important to you?
When I was younger I was fortunate to attend different plays, musicals and sporting events. These experiences provided me with creativity, role models and motivated me in so many ways. Looking back, if I didn’t have these opportunities, I wouldn’t be the same person that I am today. Kids Up Front allows children and teens to see a variety of different sports, arts, music and cultural events. It creates a positive outlet, sparks creativity and provides inspiration for individuals who would not otherwise have the opportunity. Sometimes it is the smallest thing that can brighten up someone’s day and I think that Kids Up Front does an excellent job at instilling this positivity. 

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