Sunday, March 18, 2012

Baby naps, mommy runs!

2:00pm on's diaper changed, check! baby changed into PJ's, check! read story, check! turn on Baby Einstein classical music, check! rock baby until she gets sleepy, check! place sleepy baby in crib, check! baby monitor on, check! .....take deep cries loudly...oh no! turn on monitor, hold my breath and wait 3 falls back asleep...deep sigh of relief....convince husband to watch baby, check! YES! Jacket on, check! Runners laced up, check! Ipod running mix on, check! 2:45pm, finally, out the door for a run!! Gosh, it feels good to be out of the house and running again. It starts to rain, then hail, I consider turning around but it took so much work to get out of the house that I perserve and keep running. I'm glad I did because 10 minutes later, the rain/hail stops and the sun comes out and I am loving the fresh air and the beauty of the Fraser Foreshore trail. I run along the Fraser river, then up Kerr St and through Everett Crowley park and then back home. It's 4:00 pm, 10.75 km later, I run through the door just in time as baby cries and is up from her nap. Nap well spent. Glad I went for my run.

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