Saturday, March 24, 2012

First race tomorrow!

The Harry's Spring Run-Off 8K is tomorrow, thankfully not too bright and early in the morning. I picked up my race kit this morning at the edge of Stanley Park and the beautiful weather and beautiful park got me all psyched to run. I was talking to a friend recently and she said that she understands why so many people in Vancouver run -- it's because we have such amazing routes to run here. My usual route is down to Granville Island and east along the False Creek seawall. It's fantastic not only because of the view, but also because you get to see so many other people out running, walking, biking, etc. When I was out running last Saturday, a powerwalker gave me a thumbs up on my way past him. Definitely the kind of positive message I needed before my first race ever!


  1. 40:00. Wow. Nice time Jocelyn. Congrats. Very impressive.

  2. Hi Emma! How did you find the 8K today? Will you be doing the Sun Run or any other events leading up to the Scotia half marathon?
