Monday, June 6, 2011

Boot Camp: Boost or Bust?

In an effort to boost my fitness level and in turn (hopefully) my speed, I decided to pump up my training to include an early morning boot camp 3 days a week. I’m now questioning the wisdom of this decision. Yesterday’s long run was by far my toughest run yet, and it was by no means my longest, fastest or most hilly. It was just difficult, I think largely due to my increased training.

Each boot camp begins with a warm-up followed by a half hour of mostly hills and interval running. The next half hour concentrates on strength training and core work. It’s pretty intense, especially since we meet at 6am. At least we never have to shout, “YES DRILL SERGEANT!”

Brutal though it may be, boot camp certainly does invigorate. I feel energized and empowered for the rest of the day. And I have little doubt the end results will be favourable. That said, it has thrown a hitch in my run schedule - I’m struggling to adjust my regularly planned runs so that I maintain momentum without over-doing it.

Last week, with two boot camp classes under my belt, I went out for my usual run and felt like I was wearing cement shoes. After ten very strenuous and perplexing minutes, I realized that this must be the effects of boot camp. I decided to back off and turned my 40-minute run into a 90-minute power walk. Luckily I had the extra time to do that.

On Sunday, I planned an 18k run as my last long training run before the race. I somewhat-optimistically scheduled for two hours but I guess I should have left those cement shoes at home because after two hours I had only covered 14k. Even knowing the contributing factors (ie. boot camp and warmer temperatures – finally!), it was still discouraging.

Boot camp wraps up two days before Race Day. Will it be the boost I needed or will it bust me up? I’ll let you know in three weeks.

1 comment:

  1. I could have written that myself! I had the same experience, with the same results. I took on 2 bootcamp classes per week, in addition to my running (hoping for a boost) and I found my next runs very difficult (cement shoes, indeed). I'll be interested to hear how it works out for you in the end :-)
