I was going to post earlier this week, however I felt as though I did not have much to say. This past week, I was struggling with a constant fiery of mental battles between the negative and positive self-beliefs I hold; and unfortunately last week the negative self-beliefs won. After running at the MODO race and learning firsthand the lesson of not pacing appropriately, I was very sore and achy for about 4 days after. During this time, I got into a little bit of a running funk. I could feel myself spiraling into that annoying, unaccountable, pity party of self-doubt. You know the one… I can’t do it….It’s too hard…. I’m too slow…. What the heck was I thinking??
I hate those parties.
However after slowly accepting that I was at a lame pity-party that I no longer wanted to be the guest of honour at, I started googling articles about “getting out of a running funk” and reminding myself of the reasons why I run. After doing this and convincing myself to just lace up and go, I was able to slowly start coming out of it. I am not fully out of it yet, but I do feel like I am back on track…one run at a time right? Does anyone have any advice on how they get out of their running funks? Any words of wisdom would be greatly appreciated so I can file it for the next time I find myself at a party I really do not want to be at. J
Two of the reasons I run...to exercise my dogs and to be in nature :)
Giving my running partners freedom in White Rock |
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