Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Finalist - Jocelyn Manion

Jocelyn Manion

How will winning impact you?
Being a Joe Runner will not only impact myself but everyone in my daily life. My roommate will probably get tired of my wet smelly shoes in the hallway, my students will hear about my long weekend runs and my co workers will wonder why I am always wearing a giant running watch. All of these things aside, it will impact my life in a positive way. It will allow me to experience a motivated group of runners and coaches to attain my goals. Through this experience I am hoping to impact YOU, the readers of my blog, who will share thoughts, inspirations and stories of your experiences training and racing. Together we can provided encouragement and prove that everyone, and I mean everyone, can be a runner.

Why is your charity of choice important to you?
When I was younger I was fortunate to attend different plays, musicals and sporting events. These experiences provided me with creativity, role models and motivated me in so many ways. Looking back, if I didn’t have these opportunities, I wouldn’t be the same person that I am today. Kids Up Front allows children and teens to see a variety of different sports, arts, music and cultural events. It creates a positive outlet, sparks creativity and provides inspiration for individuals who would not otherwise have the opportunity. Sometimes it is the smallest thing that can brighten up someone’s day and I think that Kids Up Front does an excellent job at instilling this positivity. 

Finalist - Amanda Dodgson

Amanda Dodgson

How will winning impact you?
Becoming a Joe Runner will impact me forever.  I entered on a whim: liked the message and thought I was pretty average!  While entering, I realized that I will accomplish something I never thought physically possible: a half marathon.  While teaching my children that by being healthy, positive, determined and inspired, anything’s possible. 

Why is your charity of choice important to you?
Children's Hearing & Speech Centre of BC is where deaf and hard of hearing children become “independent communicators and participants in the world at large”.  Our son has language development issues and without support and resources like this school parents and their children would be lost.

Finalist - Jason Cameron

Jason Cameron

How will winning impact you?
Honestly, being one of the winners of the contest isn't about me. I don't enter these things typically. I like to run, not the greatest runner being 230+ pounds, but i sort of enjoy slugging it out every week. This is a good opportunity to entertain a whole bunch of people I probably don't know and hope that maybe a few of them may donate to my charity. I'm not doing this to impact me... I hoping it helps impact others. Not trying to sound heroic, just hoping that's what the "Average Joe" does.

Why is your charity of choice important to you?
My Mother. Now she's not your "Average Joe". Battling M.S. for over a decade, she struggles to walk and has to use a cane. Now she is the type that doesn't ask for help. She's volunteered with the elderly, even though a lot of them were better off than she. She helps out with the RCMP, heck, she'll even mow her lawn if no ones around. She does all this with zero good legs. I figure I got two perfectly good ones. She would run this to raise money for charity if she could... So I will for her.

Finalist - Erin Thorpe

Erin Thorpe

How will winning impact you?
Winning the Joe Runner Contest will motivate me to take the next step in my running activities. Receiving sponsorship items, entry to another race, and personal coaching will give me the tools to push myself to be the best I can, and to be a source of inspiration to those around me. As a Joe Runner representative and as a young person in the most incredible city in the world, I am hoping to inspire other people to take advantage of the great opportunities they have for running in this great city. 

Why is your charity of choice important to you?
The charity I choose to support is the Union Gospel Mission. I feel close to this charity because I have done various volunteering in the downtown core and I realize the importance of this charity in our Vancouver community. I think it is a vital program and I hope they are able to receive much support and funds to continue their inspiring work. 

Finalist - Vanessa Neufeld

Vanessa Neufeld

How will winning impact you?
It’s really important to me to live out a healthy lifestyle.  Enjoying activities like running, biking and snowboarding were a lot easier to do before I was pregnant. Now that I have a 6-mont- old baby, I want to prove to myself that it is possible to train for a half-marathon amidst the crazy wonderfulness of being a new mom. I would love some coaching on what I can do to train other than strapping my baby in the jogging stroller and running until nap time is over! Winning this contest will help me stay motivated to exercise regularly and establish an active lifestyle to model to my daughter as she grows up. 

Why is your charity of choice important to you?
Many of us know someone who has autism; Health Canada gives the incidence of Autism Spectrum Disorders as 1 in 150 or 160 children. I have been working with children with autism for almost a decade. I know that autism not only affects the child but greatly affects the child’s family as well. The Canucks Autism Network seeks to make the lives of those affected by autism a little easier. By providing enriching recreational, social or vocational programs and educational programs that build awareness or teach about inclusion or empathy, the Canucks Autism Network helps put a smile on the faces of children I work with! 

Finalist - Emma Lawson

Emma Lawson

How will winning impact you?
Winning the contest would give me the motivation I need to keep running and training. I’m a new runner, and having something to train for is what actually gets me out the door. This would be my first half-marathon and only my second race ever. To run and train with support from the Canada Running Series and everyone following on Facebook and the website would make me feel like it’s actually possible to complete a half-marathon! 

Why is your charity of choice important to you?
I chose to support the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society of Canada because of a personal connection. My mother has myeloma, a type of blood cancer, and both she and my father have been running and walking with the LLSC for years to raise money for research to fight these cancers. The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society has brought so many people together to train for races and raise funds through their Team in Training program, which I think is fantastic as a new runner and as a family member of something with a blood cancer.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Finalist - Hannah Francis

Hannah Francis

How will winning impact you?
It would be a great privilege to be chosen. I think it's great that an ordinary,relatively new runner can share their training journey with others (the highs & lows)-as I hit 40 on June 17th I think this would also be a great way to chart my last few weeks in my 30s and also bring my new decade in with a bang (and not hopefully a hobble!)-my hubby and kids are also planning to run the 5km again as we had such a fun time last year.

Why is your charity of choice important to you?
The Heart & Stroke foundation is my charity of choice- I lost my dad to heart disease suddenly 14 years ago at the age of 52.It  made me determined to keep fit and healthy so my kids don't have to experience such a loss.As an ICU RN I also see the impact of Heart disease & Stroke on a daily basis- I feel they do vital work in not only funding research but by providing education and support across Canada.This will be my 2nd year supporting them.

Finalist - Amanda McNally

Amanda McNally

How will winning the Joe Runner Contest impact you?
I'm a busy mom of two incredible kids (2 and 5) who works part time, so its easy to come up with excuses.  Winning this contest would help to hold me accountable which I NEED.  It would also allow me to share my challenges and successes which would propel me to work harder.  I never thought I'd be a runner (have only been running for just over a year), never mind training for a half marathon.  This is a huge challenge for me and its a bit scary.  Luckily, I am trying to conquer the things that scare me.  I look forward to checking this one off.

Why is your charity of choice important to you?

In 2009 my grandmother passed away after a long battle with this disease.  To describe what it is like to watch a disease like this slowly take over someone you love is terrifying.  I hope that one day we will be able to prevent anyone else from facing this disease and that no other family will have to watch their loved ones forget them or who they are.  My grandmother was a strong, amazing women whose family was everything.  To imagine what it was like for her drives me to support the Alzheimer Society of BC.