Sunday, March 31, 2013

Welcome Spring!!

Happy Easter everyone! What absolutely amazing weather we have had this week. It has been week 1 of training for me which started with the Spring run off at Stanley park last week! What a great race to start off training. I'm so thankful that a. It wasn't raining and b. I ran into Aubrey and Karen at the finish line. What a fun time to catch up.
This has been week 1 of training for me like I mentioned. I'm super glad it was nice out- it is so much easier to motivate yourself to lace up those shoes and go outside. When it's raining or super windy I struggle with wanting to go. Anyone else have that issue?! Any tips for self-motivation on those yucky days?
Yesterday I went for a 'long' run out by Kits beach- only 7 k and it was so gorgeous out. My friend Colleen who will also be running with me in the race was with me and we were figuring out ways to improve our speed this year. Other than intervals or speed training, anyone have any suggestions?! Any tips are welcome!!!

Hope everyone else had a chance to go enjoy the gorgeous sunshine and work off some of that Easter supper :)

1 comment:

  1. Nothing beats more training to increase your speed. Track workouts, fartleks, intervals and hill repeats will get you there quicker.

    But one thing rookies tend to miss that the pro's take advantage of, are running the tangents.

    Look ahead and run the shortest line possible to the next corner, that's how the course was measured. It will shave seconds off your time, which could add up to minutes.

    Check this blog for a better description -
