5 days. How are you feeling? I am experiencing a mixture of emotions. Some days
I think I am not ready, while other days I feel like nothing could stop me
(those days rock). My tapering has
been going well and I have had some nice, continuous runs where I did not need
to stop and walk, however my min/km is quite a bit slower than it was last
year. I would love to beat my PB on Sunday, yet I am being realistic
that I may not and I am slowly accepting this. I am working on focusing on
the experience of the race and staying injury free so I can continue running
after the race….which has really been challenging due to my competitive streak.

the women at Servants Anonymous Surrey,
who day in and day out continue to grow, heal and overcome the oppression and
exploitation they have endured, inspire me to keep going. Getting to know some
of these amazing women and training with them over the last few weeks has been
wonderful and I am so excited for them to run their first race this weekend!
others struggle, persevere and conquer their goals, is amazing motivation and
inspiration. If they can do it…I can do it and if I can do it…you can do it!
See you Race Day :)
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