Monday, May 26, 2014

Back in the Swing of Things

Where did May go? It seemed to sail by fast--with a few races at the start of the month, giving way to Victoria Day, and the unofficial start of summer the long weekend represents. Somewhere as the sun was popping out (for good?) in Vancouver, I came down with an awful stomach flu. I'll pass on the specifics, but to say, I didn't feel like eating, never mind running!

Still, my routine has gotten to a point that I expect--like it or not--to run 3-5 days a week. Not running for over a week? It felt unnatural and after a week lying about indoors, I pushed myself outside for a light jog. I never expected, even with a few races behind me, that running would become part of my day--not running made my time home sick so stark and reminded me how running has quickly become an important anchor throughout my days. And now that the weather is nice, increasingly, running outside is a chance to get away from the desk and clear my head--if only temporarily.

Running after a stomach flu calls to attention the need to hydrate, though. When you're as sick as I was, you're already really dehydrated to begin with--so I've been drinking more electrolyte drinks, more water, before, during, and after my runs. Hydration is important in the best of cases, so I've had to plan a bit more before my runs to make sure I've had enough to drink, and have water to take with me for longer distances. With less than 4 weeks until the Scotiabank Half Marathon, every kilometre and every litre makes a difference toward a healthy and happy race day.

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