Friday, March 30, 2012

Vancouver Views

Today, I woke up and noticed that there was a little bit of sun coming through the clouds. I ate a quick breakfast and headed out on one of my favourite routes that I think has one of the best views in the city on a sunny day. We all know we don’t get a lot of sun these days in Vancouver so I try and capitalize on these days as much as possible. I made my way from Kits down 8th Avenue heading towards UBC. The only downfall to this run is there are quite a few large hills but totally worth it once you get to the top! There is a great view once you get to West Point Grey Academy and Trimble Park. This photo doesn’t do the view justice – I will have to bring my camera next time so you can truly appreciate the gorgeous sights this city has to offer. It ended up being a great 9km run with various hills which was challenging.
Since moving to Vancouver, about a year and a half ago, I still find myself searching for new running routes to utilize the beautiful sights. I find that trying new routes and seeing different areas in the city switches things up in my training, adds variety and motivates me to go for a run.  

Where is your favourite view when you go running in Vancouver? 

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Canucks Autism Network Family Festival

I have been working with kids on the autism spectrum for a decade now and April 1st (this Sunday) is World Autism Awareness Day. Part of the reason I wanted to be chosen as  Joe Runner was so I could raise money for the Cancuks Autism Network, a fantastic non-profit organization that helps kids with autism. I was just working with one of my kids today, he is 6 years old and he's been going to the soccer program put on by the Canucks Autism Network and it is so cool that CAN makes it possible for kids like him to be involved and have fun in sports!

If you have time this weekend, you should check out CAN's Family Festival. It's this Sunday from 10:00am-3:00pm. Vera's burgers is going to be there (yum!). There's also going to be live entertainment and they are going to be lighting the Cauldron in celebration of World Autism Awareness Day. It's happening, rain or shine!

You can also get more info about this Sunday's event or about CAN on the website

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Harry's Spring Run Off

I was already awake at 6:00am this morning and it wasn't even Natallie on the baby monitor that woke me up, it was that darn woodpecker outside our bedroom window. Oh well, I was so excited and anxious that I couldn't sleep anymore anyways. After I nursed Natallie and tried to eat some toast, my husband and I packed up everything for the baby and drove out to Stanley Park. I was so excited that the weather was so unbelievably gorgeous! It was around 9:00am when we arrived, my anxiety was pretty much gone and my excitement was building as I saw the start and finish line. I kissed my husband and baby and got into the starting area and did a little warm-up with the other runners. By the time I crossed the starting gate, my adrenaline was already pumping and I was off! And what can I say? The run was perfect, the route was so scenic, my ipod playlist was awesome and I thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it. Plus I even finished the race in 42:26, not too shabby given that I was still pregnant less than 8 months ago! Now, there's only 20 days left until the 10K Vancouver Sun Run! Wooo hoo! I can't wait for another timed run event, I get such a kick out of running with everyone! Here's some photo highlights of the day:
What a b-e-a-tiful day for a run!

Hooray! Finished the race in 42:26!

Action shot of me racing to the finish line!

My biggest fans: my baby Natallie and my husband Simon

It was Natallie's first time out at Stanley Park too!

After the race, we put Natallie on the swings at playground for the first time!

Harry’s Spring Run-Off 8km – Race Recap

I couldn’t have asked for better conditions for the Harry’s Spring Run-Off race today – absolutely amazing. Clear blue skies, sun shining and barely any wind, hello spring!

I took the bus to the race and it was a great atmosphere from moment I stepped onto the bus because everyone was wearing the Harry’s lime green and blue t-shirts that were part of the race package.  I arrived early, about 45 minutes before start time to get my bearings and check out the booths. I put my headphones in and toured around the start and finish line areas. Everything was so organized and all of the volunteers were so friendly and accommodating. There were food and beverage booths, a massage tent and a live band. I tried some of the Oasis strawberry-banana smoothie samples – delicious, just the spark of sweetness that I needed!

I did a short jog to warm up and made my way to the start line. At the start line there were corrals where you lined up based on where you expected your time to be. I started in the green corral for people hoping for a time in between 40:00-43:00 minutes. I was hoping for around 40:30.
The race started and it was a slight downhill until we got onto the seawall. I was expecting it to be pretty squished at the beginning because the path was fairly small but it wasn’t that bad at all. The first three kilometers were quite relaxed and the sun was at our backs as we looped under the Lion’s Gate Bridge. This is when I realized I was over dressed. I wore a long sleeve shirt and t-shirt over top, just one shirt would have been sufficient because I was quite sweaty already. We were then in the shade around kilometers 4-6, I was trying to keep pace with some people around me, and keep steady until we hit the last two kilometers because I was on pace to potentially do a sub 40 minutes.
By kilometer 7, around Lost Lagoon, we had hit some slight hills that had pushed me back a bit in my splits and even though the pedestrian footbridge was small, it was a little difficult at the end of the race. After that, it was onto the home stretch! I dug in deep for the last few meters. I could see the seconds tick by on the clock - they always seem to click by faster when you are running and hoping for a good time. I crossed the finished line and looked down at my watch – 40:00 right on the dot. I was pleased with my time but I wish I had given it a little bit extra just to see a 39.

All runners were given a hat and a power bar for finishing – I thought this was a great idea and a practical token that I will use in my up coming training. I hope you all achieved your goals today; I am definitely on a post run high and can’t wait to continue my training for the half!

What has been the coolest thing you have received from a race?

Saturday, March 24, 2012

First race tomorrow!

The Harry's Spring Run-Off 8K is tomorrow, thankfully not too bright and early in the morning. I picked up my race kit this morning at the edge of Stanley Park and the beautiful weather and beautiful park got me all psyched to run. I was talking to a friend recently and she said that she understands why so many people in Vancouver run -- it's because we have such amazing routes to run here. My usual route is down to Granville Island and east along the False Creek seawall. It's fantastic not only because of the view, but also because you get to see so many other people out running, walking, biking, etc. When I was out running last Saturday, a powerwalker gave me a thumbs up on my way past him. Definitely the kind of positive message I needed before my first race ever!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Baby naps, mommy runs!

2:00pm on's diaper changed, check! baby changed into PJ's, check! read story, check! turn on Baby Einstein classical music, check! rock baby until she gets sleepy, check! place sleepy baby in crib, check! baby monitor on, check! .....take deep cries loudly...oh no! turn on monitor, hold my breath and wait 3 falls back asleep...deep sigh of relief....convince husband to watch baby, check! YES! Jacket on, check! Runners laced up, check! Ipod running mix on, check! 2:45pm, finally, out the door for a run!! Gosh, it feels good to be out of the house and running again. It starts to rain, then hail, I consider turning around but it took so much work to get out of the house that I perserve and keep running. I'm glad I did because 10 minutes later, the rain/hail stops and the sun comes out and I am loving the fresh air and the beauty of the Fraser Foreshore trail. I run along the Fraser river, then up Kerr St and through Everett Crowley park and then back home. It's 4:00 pm, 10.75 km later, I run through the door just in time as baby cries and is up from her nap. Nap well spent. Glad I went for my run.