Before I update you on how my training is going I just wanted to say another big "thank you" to the organizers of the "Joe Runner" contest, those involved from Asics, and everyone who voted for me.

I'm really loving how good I feel mentally, and physically, since I started running regularly (a few aches and pains aside....see below). Being outside running in our gorgeous city is pretty invigorating. However, the photographer in me hasn't yet been able to go for a run without stopping to take a picture. :)
One of the biggest challenges I have encountered over the past couple of weeks is trying to increase the frequency and distance of my runs while doing shift work. My shifts are twelve hours long and usually I don't have the time or energy to run on a work day or post night shifts. There are two or three days out of my week when I'm sleep deprived and not at my healthiest for running. I don't want to push it and become run down but I am determined to keep trying to fit the training in to my schedule! I'm sure there must be other shift workers out there who have run a half marathon.
Recently I started doing a couple of shorter runs each week (4 to 6 km) and one longer run (7 to 9 km). Although I have been increasing my distances gradually, I have developed a shin splint and occasional pain in my left hip. I've been trying to read up on how to avoid shin splints and have been icing and resting when necessary. I'm not sure what my hip pain is all about but doing yoga regularly seems to help alleviate some of the discomfort. I have an appointment with a sports physiotherapist this week so I'm hoping he will be able to help me get back out running without pain.
My third challenge has been trying to run long distances by myself. I've always liked running alone but I'm now realizing that once I get to 7 or 8 km it becomes quite the mental challenge to keep going. If you have any motivating music play lists for me, please feel free to send them my way. :) I think that having a buddy along would probably help greatly as well. Fortunately, I have some friends who have offered to run with me and I'm definitely going to take them up on it.

This past weekend I did the St. Patrick's Day 5 km run at Stanley Park. It was a beautiful run with a good number of hills thrown in to make it challenging. I was excited by my personal best time of 28:52!! I'm starting to get
addicted to how great it feels to finish. Now I'm looking forward to
doing the 8 km Modo Spring Run Off this coming Sunday. Fingers crossed the shin splint subsides!
On one final note, I wanted to let you know that I have joined the Fragile X Team for the Scotia Bank Half Marathon and their team fundraising page, as well as my own, are now up and running.
You can support me and the Fragile X Research Foundation by making a secure online donation on the Scotia Bank Half Marathon charity page. Any amount would be greatly appreciated and could one day help my nephew Oliver and others with Fragile X Syndrome.
Thanks everyone! I will keep you posted on my journey.